Solar On Tile in Pasadena
Solar Energy
Pasadena, Solar installation in Pasadena, Solar Installation tile roof, tile roof
(Jon dow)
(Oct 2020)
(6 months)
LG panels, Solar Edge Inverter and Snap N Rack mounting
Contact Us and request a Free Consultation
We completed a solar installation in Pasadena in February 2019. Rose reached us through Facebook, she saw images of one of our project which included a solar installation in Hollywood Hills, using LG panels, on a tile roof, she felt this project resembles her needs and therefore contacted us. She met with 2 other companies before us, and she knew what system size she needed, she was aware of the process of the installation and was ready to proceed in the following week. Our expert provided an overview of what the solar installation process would include and showed her additional photos of similar projects. Since every roof is different when it comes to solar installation it is good to know the risks and benefits relevant to your type of roof. For tile roofs for instance there is a tendency to be extra careful because tiles are a more sensitive roofing material.
“When it comes to solar installations on tile roofs it’s important to use adequate materials which are equipped for the delicacy of tiles. Using special rack such as Snap N Rack this is a unique method which is the most effective method for mounting solar to tile roofs, there is no cutting required as with tile hook designs, this type of racking is flexible and easy to insert onto any tile roof, this type of mounting is much quicker for solar installations on tile roofs and it helps avoid any unnecessary broken tile alerts, since the are considered tile replacement this type of mounting can also be used as tile replacement to replace worn out tiles, most importantly they make the solar panel installation easy and flexible. Once our crew finalized the racking they were ready to install the LG solar panels. The whole solar installation process from start to finish took 3 days.”
The panels were successfully and beautifully installed as Rose flattered our crew, the process was quick and smooth from start to finish and PTO was granted 3 days later. Rose who was worried about damaging her beautiful roof was extremely happy with the outcome and our careful selection of proper materials to ensure the solar installation will not only not damage her roof but will look aesthetically pleasing. Rose was extremely happy and her kids who encouraged her to go solar were even happier.
Process took 6 days from start to finish including PTO.
Call us +1 (844) 674-8787, email us at or fill out the quick form and we will be in touch with lightning speed.