Amir’s Solar Installation in Studio City
Solar Energy
Flat roof, LG panels, Solar system, Studio city
{Jon dow}
Studio City
{Oct 2020}
{6 months}
LG Panels, Solar Edge Inverter and Optimizers.
Contact Us and request a Free Consultation
Amir originally reached us through Yelp. His assistant scheduled a meeting with one of our project manager to come and inspect the roof of the building. This is the building where Amir and is co-workers work, it is located in West Covina, and the main reason for the inspection was the recent leaks they experienced. Our roofer presented Amir his conclusions and suggest several different approaches to the leak. Amir who wanted the problem solved, decided to go with our roofer’s recommendation of simple adding another silicon coating to extend the roof’s lifespan and provide an extra layer of protection against the leak, work was completed within a day. Amir was extremely satisfied with NRG Upgrade and our team, he mentioned we were honest, quick and efficient. Evidently he reached out to us again when he was ready to have solar panels installed in one of his properties. The beautiful resident, located in Studio City was recently purchased by Amir and his wife. The property is located right on hill which give the house an incredible view of the city. The roof is flat and is exposed to sunlight throughout all the hours of the day because of the unique placement of the house. Amir and his wife felt there are too many reasons to install solar panels and they are ready to proceed with the installation as soon as possible.
Since Amir was very satisfied with his previous project manager he reached out to him directly for this project, thus, Asaf was eager to move forward and scheduled Amir’s project for the following week. Meantime we extracted permits from both the utility company, in this case LADWP and the city permit for the solar installation. Asaf presented Amir and his wife with several different brands fro the solar equipment, they chose the LG 330 panels. We completed the installation within 2 days of work and the final inspection was scheduled for the next day, inspection was approved.
The last remaining step was the PTO, permission to operate which represents the final straw when installation solar panels on one’s roof. This approval is given by the utility company, once all documents are submitted, and city approval is granted. Amir’s project went quickly and smoothly, PTO was granted within 4 days of the final inspection and Amir and his wife couldn’t be happier. We are honored and grateful that they chose to work with us again and look forward to assisting them in future projects.
nothing makes us happier than returning clients it is the ultimate factor for success within NRG Upgrade
Call us +1 (844) 674-8787, email us at or fill out the quick form and we will be in touch with lightning speed.